Thank you for your interest in giving to Agape International Baptist Church.
The funds collected are used to support and develop the activities of the congregation. Each donation enables us to:
Your generosity is a blessing and a crucial support for our congregation. Donors receive no compensation – your gift is an expression of your love and support for God's work in the congregation.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Support us by making a deposit of any amount to our bank account:
IBAN: FI95 5548 0960 9091 49 (Andelsbanken)
Use reference number: 5900 15
Or via MobilePay: 10460 (
The fundraiser is organized by Agape kansainvälinen seurakuntayhdistys ry, Business ID 2479442-3, an Agape International Baptist Church registered organization.
Permit number:
Finland (not Åland Islands): RA/2024/90, granted for period 19.1.2024 until further notice.
To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen